How does Dolby Atmos Work?

Have you ever thought about the role of audio with video while watching TV? Ever thought about how premium-quality audio can change your TV-watching experience? Audio is crucial because it engages viewers, aids in information delivery, boosts production value, elicits emotional reactions, highlights what's on screen, and is utilized to convey mood. When used effectively, language, sound effects, music, and even silence can significantly improve footage on a TV screen. But poor audio quality may make watching TV a terrible experience. The ability to analyze the audio of a snapping twig and respond quickly to a predator sneaking up behind them was essential for our ancient ancestors.

Our brain’s ability to process audio and video information has not changed. You can usually tell when something bad is about to happen in a horror movie by the change in audio. When the soundtrack in an action movie goes quicker and louder during a car pursuit, the level of adrenaline and suspense increases. If the scenes were silent, they wouldn't be nearly as exciting or frightening. The importance of audio in the whole experience cannot be overstated. It's absurd that audio is frequently neglected when designing televisions but poor audio cannot be fixed by clever visual output.

Now Electronics Industry is becoming Meticulous about innovation in every possible factor. TV production scenario has changed due to customers’ needs. World-leading manufacturers like Samsung, LG, Toshiba, and Hisense, are now focusing on audio quality besides Visualization. They are introducing advanced features in TV which include a sound system and audio quality. Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, and Dolby Atmos as sound systems in their premium-quality TVs. Now you are able to grab the best audio featuring TV at your fingertip from the House of Butterfly.

Categories with Dolby

Televisions with Dolby Digital, available in the market are categorized under many categories. Among them, the following are the main categories,


A television display technology known as OLED TV is based on the properties of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED). Compared to LED TV, OLED TV uses a different technology.


A quantum dot light-emitting diode is referred to as QLED. The key distinction between a new LED TV and one with the QLED branding is that there is an integrated quantum dot layer.


The term "ultra-high-definition" (UHD) television refers to a digital television display format with a horizontal screen resolution of around 4,000 pixels (4K UHD) or 8,000 pixels (UHD TV) (8K UHD).

Smart TV

A digital television known as a "Smart TV" is essentially an Internet-connected, storage-aware computer designed specifically for entertainment. Smart TVs come with additional hardware, different connection options, a TV operating system with a GUI, and can passively receive cable, satellite, or over-the-air (OTA) transmissions.

Basic LED TV

Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lights (CCFLs), which are typically used to backlight LCD television displays, are replaced with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) in LED TVs. Formally speaking, LED TVs are sometimes referred to as LED-backlit LCD TVs.

Dolby Digital

A digital audio coding method called dolby digital, which comes in advanced televisions, formerly known as AC-3, lowers the amount of data required to produce high-quality sound. Dolby Digital uses this characteristic of the human ear to its advantage. The frequency of an audio signal can conceal coding noise so that the human ear only hears the intended audio signal when the noise is near the frequency of the audio signal. Sometimes the coding noise needs to be decreased or removed since it is not at the same frequency as the audio signal. The amount of data is cut in half compared to a compact disk by lowering, removing, or masking the noise (CD). High-definition television (HDTV), digital cable and satellite broadcasts, as well as digital versatile discs (DVDs), all use Dolby Digital. It was chosen as the audio specification for digital television (DTV). The European DVB standard uses MPEG standard technology for both the audio and visual streams rather than Dolby Digital for audio.

Dolby Atmos

Dolby is a well-known brand in audio engineering. Simply described, Atmos is a surround sound technique. It does this by strategically placing sounds to give the impression that objects are three-dimensional. Height channels are used by Dolby Atmos to enhance the clarity, detail, and depth of sound.

How Dolby Atmos Works?

Older sound technology utilized channels to operate or travel through. The arrangement of Dolby Atmos is made to treat audio like objects. You should know that channels functioned in a directed manner. The many types of channels include left front, center, right front, right surround, and so on. The sound was produced by vertical or horizontal movement. It is handled by Dolby Atmos as if it were an object with metadata. The processing of this metadata into surround sound audio is then understood or adjusted into compatible devices. Height is one of Dolby Atmos' most important features. A higher vantage point produces more immersive sound. You will be able to tell how Dolby Atmos works when there are specific audio special effects. For instance, the opening sequence of Daniel Craig's Spectre, the most recent James Bond film, features a helicopter flying, and Dolby Atmos makes it seem as though the chopper is hovering over your head. It goes without saying that the correct hardware is necessary to fully enjoy Dolby Atmos. In essence, Dolby ATMOS assigns sound to a location as opposed to channels like left, right, front, or rear. This indicates that the ATMOS technology processes the sound depending on location and direction in accordance with the scene in the film. As opposed to merely moving from the front speaker to the rear speaker in conventional sound systems, a bullet traveling from front to rear on the scene will pass through numerous channels, both physically and virtually, to convey the continuity of a bullet traveling from front to rear.


Despite the fact that TV is a visual medium, no video can be broadcast without high-quality audio. A comprehensive telecast is made of dialogue, music, original sound, and other elements. In other words, the sound is more significant in television because it engages the sense of hearing rather than the voyeuristic delights of the film look.

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